أخبار الآن |  الحدود السورية التركية – (جنان موسى)

ذبحت داعش في سوريا الرهينة البريطاني آلان هينينع وهو عامل اغاثي اختطفه التنظيم بينما كان يحاول ادخال قافلة مساعدات انسانية وطبية الى الشمال السوري.

موفدتنا جنان موسى تحدثت مع ناشط سوري اعتقل ايضا من قبل داعش وقضى وقتا مع هينيغ في نفس الزنزانة. نتابع:

هذا هو الرجلُ الاخيرُ الذي رأى  آلان هينينع على قيدِ الحياة.

سيف، ناشطٌ سوري، أ ُلقيَ القبضُ عليهِ في ديسمبر العامَ الماضي من قِبَلِ داعش في بلدةِ الدانا شمال سوريا. أثناءَ وجودِهِ في السجن جلبَ مقاتلو داعش فجأةً عاملِ إغاثةٍ بريطاني إلى زَنزانته.

هذه هي المرةُ الأولى التي يروي فيها سيف تفاصيلَ تلكَ الليلةِ امامَ الكاميرا.

وفقًا لسيف، بقيَ هينينع معَهُ في سجنِ الدانا لمدةِ ثلاثَ عشْرَةَ ساعةً. خلالَ تلكَ الفترةِ استُجْوِبَ هينينع أربعَ مرات. ورُفِعَتْ حالةُ التأهبِ في السجنِ الى الحدِ الأقصى:

مقاتلٌ من داعش، يتكلم بلهجة بريطانية أطلقتْ عليهِ الصحافةُ الانجليزيةُ اسم الجهادي جون، قام بقتلِ هينينع وذلك بعدَ ذبحِ ثلاثةِ اجانب قبلَه.

سيف يتذَكرُ أنَ المحققَ الذي استَجوَبَ هينينع في سجنِ داعش كانَ من بريطانيا ايضًا.

بعدَ قضاءِ ثلاثَ عشْرَةَ ساعةٍ في سجنٍ واحد، أُخِرجَ هينينع من الحبس. ظنَ الجميعُ أنهُ سيتمُ الافراجُ عنهُ لكنْ بدلاً من ذلك تمَ نقلُهُ الى مدينةِ الرقة:

للاسف ذُبِحَ  آلان هينينع. وكلُ ما بإمكانِ سيف فعلُهُ الآن، قراءةُ الفاتحةِ لروحه.

ISIS in Syria has killed British hostage Alan Henning, an aid worker who was kidnapped in December last year while bringing ambulances to northern Syria

Jenan Moussa speaks to a Syrian activist who was also arrested by ISIS and spend time with Henning in an ISIS jail

This is the man who saw Alan Henning for the last time alive

Seif, a Syrian opposition activist, was captured in December last year by the ISIS in the town of Ad Dana, northern Syria. While in jail, ISIS suddenly brought in a British aid worker

This is the first time he tells his story on camera

At around 6 pm/ 7 pm, I cannot remember the date, they brought in a Brit. They said, take this infidel and put him inside. (Who told you?) Khattab the Iraqi, the prison guard told us

I told you his story if you remember. Khattab threw him in the room & said take him he is an infidel. He entered, sat down. We started talking to him, asked about his name

He said his name is Alan. Where are you from? He said from Manchester, Britain. We asked him what his job was. He answered he was a salesman who drove around with his car selling goods

Alan added that in recent period he started to work extra to save some money and buy food and milk to the children of Syria
According to Seif, Henning stayed in his cell for thirteen hours. During that period Henning was interrogated 4 times. And security in the prison was at maximum

 Seif: He had a smile on his face always. He wasn’t scared at all. Maybe he didn’t know who ISIS was 

We asked him why aren’t you scared? Alan replied I am here to help children of Syria. Have done nothing wrong. During that night ISIS was on maximum alert. The Emir of Ad Dana himself Abu Dujana Al Tunisi came to the prison and he stayed there at 7 am. We went to sleep; all the walkie talkies were on. They were on maximum alert as if they captured Bashar Al Assad. Or as if they liberated the entire world. All this because of Henning’s presence.

An ISIS-member with a British accent apparently killed Henning now. The same man beheaded earlier three other foreigners, referred to in media as Jihadi John. Seif remembers that also in the Ad Dana jail, the ISIS-investigator who interrogated Henning was a jihadist from Britain. 

Seif : His height is a lot like mine. I’ld say 180 cm/ 182/ 183 cm. Tall. Not fat. Not slim. His body athletic. He was wearing a black Jalabeya, their religious outfit [black pants and long shirt]. He was masked. Had a gun. His skin I could only see around eyes. He is not white. Sort of brownish. His eyes not blue, not green. Black or brown I’ld say

After having spent 13 hours in one jail, Henning was the next day taken out of jail by ISIS. Everybody thought the Brit would be released, but instead he was transferred to ISIS-capital Raqqa

Seif: When he put his stuff on ground, he said goodbye. He looked back at us in the cell, he cried and left. He thought he was leaving home. I will read the "Fatiha" (Muslim prayer read for the dead.) What else can I do? He scarified his life for the kids of Syria. His children became now orphans because of Syria’s orphans
Sadly, Alan Henning was beheaded. Nothing left for Seif except to pray for his soul